Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Making, fixing, cooking, doing.

This hippy is happiest when kept busy.  I'm not always that good at prioritizing what I NEED to do over what I WANT to do, fun often wins out over responsibility until the last possible minute, but I'm getting stuff done.

One of the things I've been trying to do, since I need to do some serious downsizing in the next few months, has been to pare down the things I've accumulated in the kitchen.  Dry goods that I rarely use, but somehow have 3 tubs of, spices that I have duplicates of, more frozen fruit than I could eat in a month, that kind of stuff.

My close friend, and fellow hippy, Mikey has been enjoying the fruits of this quite a bit, sometimes literally. Like right now, I'm making a berry topping for when have breakfast for dinner on Friday.  He's gotten most of my duplicate spices, and we've cooked a couple of meals from stuff I just happened to have laying around.

Tonight, after painting a bit, and taking the orange cat for a walk in the park, I used some leftover blackberries that I froze after a trip to Trader Joe's last month, and the last of the dried jalapenos that Carl didn't want, even though they were his, and made Blackberry Jalapeno Sauce.

Yesterday, I made raisin bark with some millet that needed to be used, leftover semi-sweet chips from a batch of my Miracle Max's Death Pills, and a little bit of cayenne and most of the Himalayan Pink Salt I had laying around.

Tomorrow there will likely be no cooking because I have plans for a bike ride with my mom, but you never know!

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