Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wicked Hot Pumpkin Seeds

Ok, so the pic's not fantastic, and the recipe's a bit overdue, but I only make these this morning. With all the humidity, it took days for my pumpkin seeds to dry.

Fresh pumpkins seeds (rinsed well with all the stringy crap removed)
Table Salt
Hungarian Hot Paprika (or ground cayenne)
Vegetable Oil

Once your seeds are completely dry from the rinsing, preheat your oven to 300 degrees. While the oven preheats, pour a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil over the pumpkin seeds and stir until coated. Don't use any more oil than you have too.

Sprinkle with salt to taste and add paprika generously. Stir to coat. Spread seeds in a thin, even layer on a cookie sheet and bake for 30 minutes, stirring twice along the way. Let cool 5 minutes or so and enjoy.


My seeds are different sizes and colors because I carved my jack o'lanterns from a few different varieties of pumpkin. Some on them had small seeds and one even had seeds with no hull (that's the green ones).

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