Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cappuccino Chip Cookies!

This is another one of those altered, basics that I like to make. It starts with your favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe - I like the old reliable Nestle Tollhouse recipe - then we add a few things. The first secret to awesome chocolate chip cookies in my book is always this: Good Vanilla Extract and lots of it. Don't use imitation, trust me it's worth the price to get the good stuff.

Here's what you need (in addition to the basic cookie dough recipe)
1 1/2 cups Crushed or Chopped Almonds
1 1/2 cups White Chips
2-3 Tbsp instant coffee (your favorite)
1-2 Tbsp Saigon Cinnamon (again, good cinnamon is totally worth the money!)
More Vanilla Extract

Prepare the basic dough according to your recipe, up to the part where you would normally add the chocolate (and nuts). Add the coffee, cinnamon and extra vanilla. I like a good strong coffee flavor for this and I love cinnamon and vanilla, so I use lots! Mix well.

Add the Almonds and White Chips and mix thoroughly. Bake according to your recipe instructions!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Year in Review!

Alright, here's the deal. This past year has been great in some respects and not so great in others. Rather than dwelling on the things that I can't help, let's look at the things I can control.

2011 Successes!
  • I started bike commuting!
  • I started biking for fun too!
  • Related to the above, I lost nearly 30 pounds!
  • I started the MeYou Health Daily Challenge
  • I started designing again.
  • I started quilting again.
  • I told my best friend that I love him for challenging me artistically.
  • I successfully stopped taking my OCD meds.
  • I started eating better.

2011 Epic Fails!
  • I never replaced bike commuting with anything else when I stopped bike commuting because it started getting dark early.
  • I still haven't gotten the studio organized.
  • I didn't post on either blog regularly.
  • I got lazy and stopped doing the Daily Challenge
  • I only finished one of the quilts I started.
  • I didn't do any work towards getting the art studio open.
  • I got sloppy about eating as my work schedule starting getting more hectic and I got less active.
So what have we learned? I need to get organized. I still need to find something to replace my bike commute in the winter-time. Mostly, I need to learn to stick with what works (fitness and eating wise), even when something more interesting comes along. I need to get on a schedule and stick to it. Basically, I need to plan better.