Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It's Not Me, It's You. Really.

Dear Facebook-

It's taken me a long time to make this decision, but I think we need to break up.  I'm just not happy with you anymore.  I'm not getting a fair deal in this relationship, it's all give give give and nothing in return.  You've become that shitty friend, the one that no one likes, but you have to keep him around because there's a few specific people we really do love, that we can get in touch with, except through you.

You don't keep your promises.  I've told you time and time again, please show me my "Most Recent Stories".  I don't give a shit if 87 people like the picture my cousins posted of their kids last week, I want to see the picture they posted earlier today.  And you do let me switch, I get a notice and link asking me to switch back.

You're wasting my time.  I've been fighting to build up likes for my blog page, but you keep changing the algorithm so that fewer and fewer people see what I have to say.  I started that page so that I could post about my needlework with people who are interested without bothering the people who don't care.

And then there's the forcing me to befriend strangers just so I can pass time with a few silly games.  What if I just want to play a silly game?

Oh, and the wanting to use my stuff without asking.  I get that you make your money from advertising, but GET YOUR OWN DAMN PICTURES!  I don't want to you use my pictures for your purposes, but I can't keep in touch with out of state relatives without giving you permission to use my photos and artwork for whatever the hell you want.  Talk about being unfair.

Not to mention, the intentionally screwing with everyone's feelings all summer.  Or am I the only one who remembers the outrageous "social experiment" this summer.  Did you end getting sued over that?  Did your research partners get in trouble for violating federal standards?  Wouldn't know if you get your news from what people are sharing through you.  Scrubbed it from existence didn't you.

That being said, I can't just delete my account.  I have friends a zillion miles away that it's impossible to keep in touch with any other way.  I have a few people who like to read my blog (which doesn't get nearly enough attention since you came into my life) who don't remember to check, so I want to let them know when I update.  There's Skye Taylor's Art Forum, which is an amazing supportive place, and I'm not willing to part with that.

But I don't think you'll be seeing me post much.  I'd rather give my time to my art.  To some writing with a little more substance.  No more games.  I'll spend that time on writing some substance for my blog, painting and fixing things around my house and cooking fancy dinners for my sweetie.

I'll be checking in from time to time.  Not to see how you're doing ,but to catch up with the friends I can only talk with you around.  I'm sure you won't even notice I'm gone.  You're pretty self-centered.  Actually, you remind me a lot of my ex, and I don't need that in my life.

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