Saturday, April 25, 2009

What exactly is a Diva Cup?

After much consideration, I finally bought a Diva Cup, so far so good. Honestly, I love it! I bought it earlier today, and I'm already thrilled with it. I have "good" timing, having puchased it when I could immediately use it.

So, what is a Diva Cup exactly? It's a menstrual cup, a tampon replacement, an environmentally friendly feminine hygiene product, one of the best purchases I have ever made. It collects your flow rather than absorbing it (it's a silicone cup), and it's re-usable. You wash it up and keep using it. It does cost about $40, and may need to be ordered online if your local health food store doesn't carry it or can't get it.

I had Sign of the Bear, in Allentown, get me mine. Here's the thing - it's FDA approved for a year of use. In other words, $40 once a year, rather than $5-10 every month for pads and/or tampons.

If you want the details or more information, please look at the Diva Cup website, or check in with the girls at LunaPads.

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